Fig. 6. Neutrophils in C3H mice degranulate earlier than C57 mice.
Levels of MPO in faeces from infected C57 (a) or C3H (b) mice over time as determined by ELISA. Multiple comparison one-way ANOVA, **P ≤ 0.01, ***P ≤ 0.001. c Analysis of faecal NE activity in infected C57 mice collected overtime. Multiple comparison one-way ANOVA was performed, no significant difference. d Analysis of faecal NE activity in infected C3H mice collected overtime. Multiple comparison one-way ANOVA was performed, *P ≤ 0.05, **P ≤ 0.01. e Western blot analysis using anti-SerpinA3N antibody of faecal samples taken from infected C57 (e) or C3H (f) mice over time. Lower band (ca. 40 kDa) is free SerpinA3N and upper band (>50 kDa) is SerpinA3N in complex with protease. Bar graphs below each blot is quantification band/s intensity; the actual values are indicated in italics above each bar.