Figure 5.
The ontogeny in isotopic niche of male Antarctic fur seals (blue) as they age compared to Standard Ellipse Areas (SEAs) of female Group 1 (red) and female Group 2 (grey). Males are aged (a) 0.5–1 year; (b) 1–2 years; (c) 2–3 years; (d) 3–4 years; (e) 4–5 years; (f) 5–6years; (g) 6–7 years; (h) 7–8 years. Points are isotopic values of each whisker sample and bold dashed ellipses represent SEAs using 40% of data points for each group: blue represents the isotopic niche of males; red SEA represents the overall isotopic niche of female Group 1 (females with lower mean δ13C values than estimated δ13C value of whiskers at the Polar Front) and grey SEA represents the overall isotopic niche of female Group 2 (females with lower mean δ13C values than estimated δ13C value of whiskers at the Polar Front). Figure was created using R software (v3.6.1;