Table 3.
Descriptive statistics (MPa) of the different groups. SD: standard deviation; Min: minimum value; Mdn: median; Max: maximum value. Superscript letters (a, b, c, and d) are used to indicate statistical results: different letters indicate the presence of significant differences in shear bond strength among the groups (significance was set at p < 0.05).
Group | Zirconia Type | Condition | Mean | SD | Min | Median | Max |
COP 1 | Copran Monolith HT | Control | 5.27 a | 0.75 | 4.23 | 5.79 | 5.84 |
COP 2 | Copran Monolith HT | Air-borne particle abrasion (APBA) | 14.33 b | 2.35 | 10.12 | 14.34 | 19.22 |
COP 3 | Copran Monolith HT | Hot etching | 1.95 c | 0.85 | 1.07 | 1.87 | 2.86 |
KAT 1 | Katana ML | Control | 9.64 d | 0.88 | 8.56 | 9.67 | 10.70 |
KAT 2 | Katana ML | Air-borne particle abrasion | 14.29 b | 2.56 | 10.66 | 14.01 | 18.43 |
KAT 3 | Katana ML | Hot etching | 5.71 a | 0.86 | 4.42 | 5.66 | 7.04 |
MET 1 | Metoxit Z-CAD HTL | Control | 10.34 d | 1.61 | 7.95 | 10.38 | 12.66 |
MET 2 | Metoxit Z-CAD HTL | Air-borne particle abrasion | 11.07 d | 1.89 | 7.34 | 10.92 | 14.20 |
MET 3 | Metoxit Z-CAD HTL | Hot etching | 5.53 a | 1.70 | 2.15 | 5.66 | 9.08 |