Clinical and pathological aspects of the marmoset EAE model induced with rhMOG/CFA. (a) Depicted is the EAE course in a representative selection of
unrelated marmosets receiving a single immunization with
rhMOG/CFA on day 0. All monkeys developed clinically evident EAE, but the time of onset
varied from 2 to 16 weeks. (b) Serial imaging of a case with late EAE onset,
showing early onset of brain lesion formation. The white arrow points to the first
detectable lesion. Clearly visible is that formation of new lesions in the depicted brain
slice (0.5 mm) is disseminated in time and space. Around the time that clinical signs
were diagnosed, lesion colonization of cortical grey matter is detectable (inserted
magnifications). (c) PLP staining of a brain hemisphere shows the dramatic
demyelination in white and grey matter (a). Different grey matter lesion types
identified in the MS brain can be distinguished (b). Lesions are paucicellular
with regard to T (CD3) and B (CD20) cells, but contain abundant MRP14 myeloid cells,
representing microglia and macrophages.