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. 2019 Dec 4;57(1):3–33. doi: 10.1093/jmt/thz014

Table 1.

TMV Intervention: Summary of Contextual Support and Intervention Content

Elements of Contextual Support from CSM-MT Summary of Intervention Content by Sessiona
Week Session TMV Intervention Content
Structure • Familiar, predictable music • Song scripts • Storyboards • Leveled involvement Autonomy support • AYA-directed • Choices (music, lyrics, visual images, vocalists, involving others) • Quality product Relationship support • Music to communicate unspoken thoughts, feelings, dreams for future • AYA-centered • Therapist support • Family, peer, healthcare provider involvement 1 1 Learn how to use a song-writing script
Select music for project (i.e., offered 10 songs from 5 music genres)b
Brainstorm ideas for lyric/video content (i.e., what is important to AYA)
1 2 Write lyrics to a familiar song using a song-writing script
Discuss lyrics and what is important to AYA
Sing/practice song with CD accompaniment track
Select who will sing on the song recording
2 3 Sing/rehearse completed song
Discuss AYA thoughts about/reflections on video project
Digitally record vocal soundtrack for video
Listen to AYA vocals mixed with accompaniment trackb
2 4 Begin storyboard process (i.e., select visual images to go with song lyrics)
Listen to completed song/discuss visual images—memories/importance
Digital camera available during hospitalization
3 5 Gather visual images and/or take pictures
Complete storyboard
Listen to completed song/discuss visual images—memories/importance
3 6 Private viewing of music DVD
Optional “Video Premiere” (i.e., AYA invites other to view)

Note. AYA = adolescents/young adults; CD = compact disc; DVD = digital video disk; TMV = therapeutic music video. aSessions facilitated by board-certified music therapists. bCD accompaniment purchased for each music video project. Music selections available upon request. Reprint permission: Docherty et al. (2013). Parental perspectives on a behavioral health music intervention for adolescent/young adult resilience during cancer treatment: Report from the children’s oncology group. Journal of Adolescent Health, 52(2), 170–178.