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. 2019 Dec 4;57(1):3–33. doi: 10.1093/jmt/thz014

Table 2.

Empirical Phenomenology: Exemplars for Analysis Steps 2 through 4 for a Single Participant

Question Significant Statements (Step 2) Restatements (Step 3) Formulated Meanings (Step 4)
I: We really are interested in hearing how this whole experience was for you in general, but then also how the experience was for you by session, and so forth like that. I appreciate you taking time to talk to me about it.
AYA9. SS9.1 It was, it kept me preoccupied with everything. AYA9. RS9.1 Kept the AYA preoccupied. AYA9. FM9.1 AYA perceived TMV as helpful because it helped keep the mind off the cancer.
I: Did it?
AYA9. SS9.2 Yeah AYA9. RS9.2 Yes
I: In what way did it do that? What were the thinks about it that did?
AYA9. SS9.3 It kept my mind off everything we were going through. AYA9. RS9.3 Participating in the intervention helped keep AYAs’ mind off the transplant experience. AYA9. FM9.3 Kept mind off disturbing thoughts related to cancer experience.
I: Good.
AYA9. SS9.4 And plus I am really into music. AYA9. RS9.4 Plus the AYA is really into music. AYA9. FM9.4 An additional benefit of the TMV was that it involved an activity the AYA really enjoyed (music)
I: Oh, OK. So it was a good fit for you then?
AYA9. SS9.5 Yes, and the intervener was really, really, really, really nice. AYA9. RS9.5 Another plus of the intervention was that the intervener was really nice. AYA9. FM9.5 A benefit of the TMV was working with someone, with whom the AYA could really connect.