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. 2020 Jan 25;12(1):e6774. doi: 10.7759/cureus.6774

Table 1. Illustrates reported cases of mycophenolate-induced colitis to date with different management strategies that have been used; the table also indicates the timing of symptom improvement from the intervention.

Important to note that all patients underwent colonoscopy and/or flexible sigmoidoscopy for tissue pathology.

  Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) dosing Main symptom Endoscopic findings Histologic findings Steroids given? (dosing) Infliximab Given? (dosing) Timing of symptom improvement
Bouhbouh (2010) 500mg BID Watery, non-bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss Linear ulcerations throughout colon Extensive ulceration with transmural mixed-cellular infiltration without granulomata Yes.  2 weeks of Prednisone 30 mg PO daily, followed by 2 weeks of 25 mg prednisolone IV BID Yes (5mg/kg) 72 hours after Infliximab
Johal (2014) 1,500 mg BID Watery, non-bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss Segmental erythematous mucosa with ulcers in sigmoid, descending, splenic flexure and proximal transverse colon Dilated crypts, eosinophilic epithelial changes, crypt abscesses with apoptotic bodies No No 5 weeks following MMF cessation
Goyal (2016) Not provided Watery, non-bloody diarrhea, abdominal tenderness and distention Normal mucosa Crypt atrophy, increased crypt apoptosis No No 3 days following MMF cessation
Jakes (2012) 750 mg bid   Abdominal pain and weight loss Patchy inflammation of ascending colon, ileocecal valve was grossly thickened, stenosed, and ulcerated, consistent with a Crohn’s-like disease process. Extensive ulceration No No 8 weeks following MMF reduction first to 250 mg bid and eventually discontinuing.  Pt also underwent ex-lap s/p right hemicolectomy with no evidence of inflammatory changes within small or large bowel
Jakes (2012) 750 mg bid Watery, non bloody diarrhea with large mucus Severe pancolitis Noncaseating granulomas within the lamina propria consistent with Crohns Disease No No Resolution of colitis after MMF cessation, duration unknown
Jakes (2012) 180 mg bid Profuse watery, non bloody diarrhea with right lower quadrant abdominal tenderness Pancolitis with rectal sparing Focal active colitis, no granulomas. No No 8 months after discontinuation of Myfortic, patient had sigmoidoscopy which showed no active inflammation.  Unknown when patient noted improvement in symptoms
Moroncini (2018) Not provided but started 2 months ago Left sided abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever Mucosal hyperemia, multiple serpiginous ulcers involving the transverse and descending colonic mucosa, with rectal sparing ulceration, granulation tissue and hyalinised appearance of the mucosa and submucosa No No 5 days following MMF discontinuation.  Repeat colonoscopy 1 month later showed complete resolution of ulcer  
Tayyem (2018) 500 mg bid and Prednisone 15 mg daily non-bloody diarrhea, dysphagia to solid food, nausea and unintentional weight loss of 2 weeks’ duration. EGD: normal oesophagus, multiple small antral ulcers and reactive gastropathy. Colonoscopy: mucosal edema and erythema with small mucosal hemorrhages and punctate ulcerations in the ascending colon, patchy colitis in the transverse colon and rectal sparing Colonic biopsies showed focal crypt abscesses (withered crypts) with occasional apoptosis of epithelial cells, frequent tingible body macrophages and eosinophils within the lamina propria Patient was already on Prednisone 15 mg daily No 5 weeks after MMF discontinuation
Gorospe (2012) 1000 mg bid 2-week history of profuse, watery diarrhoea that persisted through the night and with fasting Flexible sigmoidoscopy showed mild erythema apoptosis, crypt distortion and abscess; consistent with MMF-induced colitis No No Five days later, the patient’s stool frequency decreased to twice daily until complete resolution. At 1 month follow-up, her MMF was restarted at a lower dose (500 mg/day) which was tolerated well without any recurrence of gastrointestinal issues.
Hamouda (2012) Prednisone and MMF.  Dosages not known Profuse watery diarrhea, 6 to 8 times per day and weight loss ulcerative diffuse colitis from the cecum to the rectum mild crypt architectural distortion (Figure 1). The lamina propria showed edema and an increased number of inflammatory cells containing many neutrophils. Damaged crypts with mucus depletion and cryptitis.  No granuloma No No Symptoms regressed within 5 days after switching from MMF to azathioprine.  Control colonoscopy showed reparative changes after 2 months
Kim (2000) Dose not known but between 2 to 3 gm daily. abdominal pain and watery diarrhea which progressed to bloody diarrhea multiple ulcers and mucosal hyperemia and edema in the entire colon Histology did not reveal viral cytopathic changes and immunohistochemical stains for cytomegalovirus infection were negative. Patient was already on steroids No Abdominal pain and hematochezia improved rapidly. Follow-up colonoscopy 1 month later showed complete healing of previous lesions  
Johal (2014) 1000 mg bid and increased to 1500 mg bid four months prior to presentation Abdominal pain, nausea, intermittent bloating and profuse watery non bloody diarrhea. segmental erythematous mucosa and multiple ulcers in the sigmoid colon, descending colon, splenic flexure and proximal transverse colon dilated damaged crypts, eosinophilic epithelial changes and crypt abscesses with apoptotic bodies, a pattern of injury highly suggestive of MMF-related colitis No No 5 weeks after MMF discontinuation
Sonoda (2017) 1gm daily Watery diarrhea which progressed to bloody diarrhea multiple deep ulcers in the ileum mild crypt distortion No No Symptoms improved soon after MMF was discontinued.  Six months later, the ileal mucosa was healed
­(Patra) 2012 Not provided Significant weight loss, sitophobia for five months, and a recent onset of bleeding per rectum Colonoscopy demonstrated ileal and cecal ulcers Histopathology revealed crypt dropout, with focal disarray of the crypt architecture, along with apoptosis of the crypt epithelial cells. The crypt epithelial apoptotic rate was greater than 5 / 100 crypts. The lamina propria was edematous and showed focal collection of mild lymphomononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate Patient already on steroids, unknown dose   No 1 week after MMF cessation.  Repeat colonoscopy after 1 month showed healing ulcers