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. 2019 Nov 22;217(2):e20191792. doi: 10.1084/jem.20191792

Table S9. Key resources.

Reagent or resource Source Identifier
Monoclonal anti-ZIKV-E ZIKV-116 This paper N/A
Monoclonal anti-WNV-E E60 Michael S. Diamond, WUSTL, ( Oliphant et al., 2006
Monoclonal anti-WNV-E E53 Michael S. Diamond, WUSTL Oliphant et al., 2006
Monoclonal anti-WNV WNV-E111 Michael S. Diamond, WUSTL Oliphant et al., 2006
Monoclonal anti-DENV1 DENV1-E111 Michael S. Diamond, WUSTL Austin et al., 2012
Monoclonal anti-DENV4 DENV4-E88 Michael S. Diamond, WUSTL Sukupolvi-Petty et al., 2013
Monoclonal anti-JEV JEV-106 Michael S. Diamond, WUSTL Fernandez et al., 2018
Monoclonal anti-POWV POWV-61 This paper, unpublished mAb N/A
Goat anti-human IgG-HRP Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat# sc-2907
Goat anti-mouse IgG-HRP Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat# sc-2005
Goat anti-mouse-PE BD Pharmingen Cat# 550589
Bacterial and virus strains
ZIKV strain: French Polynesia_H/PF/2013 Michael S. Diamond, WUSTL Zhao et al., 2016
ZIKV strain: Uganda_MR-766 Michael S. Diamond, WUSTL Zhao et al., 2016
ZIKV strain: Senegal_Dakar 41519 Michael S. Diamond, WUSTL Zhao et al., 2016
DENV1 strain 16007 Michael S. Diamond, WUSTL Shrestha et al., 2010
DENV1 strain West Pac-74 Michael S. Diamond, WUSTL Shrestha et al., 2010
BL21-CodonPlus-RIL competent cells Agilent Technologies Cat# 230240
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins
EZ-Link-NHS-PEG4-Biotin Thermo Fisher Cat# 21330
Recombinant ZIKV-DIII from H/PF/2013 This paper GenBank: AHZ13508.1
Recombinant ZIKV-DIII from MR-766 This paper GenBank: ANO46296.1
Recombinant DENV1-DIII from 16007 Austin et al., 2012 N/A
Recombinant DENV1-DIII from West Pac-74 Austin et al., 2012 N/A
Recombinant DENV2-DIII Austin et al., 2012 N/A
Recombinant DENV3-DIII Austin et al., 2012 N/A
Recombinant DENV4-DIII Austin et al., 2012 N/A
Recombinant WNV-DIII from New York 1999 Nybakken et al., 2005 N/A
Recombinant WNV-E from New York 1999 Luca et al., 2012 N/A
Recombinant JEV-DIII from SA14-14-2 Fernandez et al., 2018 N/A
Recombinant SPOV-E from SM6 V-1 This paper GenBank: YP_009227187.1
Recombinant POWV-DIII from Spooner This paper GenBank: ADK37756.1
Critical commercial assays
RNEasy Mini Purification Kit Qiagen Cat# 74104
SuperScript III First-Strand Synthesis System Thermo Fisher for RT-PCR Thermo Fisher Cat# 18080-051
4–12% Bis-Tris NuPAGE gel system Thermo Fisher Cat# 18080-051
FuGENE 6 Transfection Reagent Cat# E2691
Deposited data
ZIKV-116 Fab in complex with DIII structure This paper PDB: 6PLK
Experimental models: cell lines
Vero ATCC Cat# CCL-81
Human: FreeStyle 293F Thermo Fisher Cat# R79007
Human: FreeStyle 293F Thermo Fisher Cat# R79007
HEK 293T ATCC Cat# CRL-1573
Raji-DCSIGNR Pierson laboratory N/A
Recombinant DNA
Plasmid: pML-huCG1 This paper N/A
Plasmid: pET21a This paper N/A
Software and algorithms
GraphPad Prism GraphPad Software, Inc.
FlowJo version 10 Tree Star
Biaevaluation 4.1 GE Healthcare
Phaser McCoy et al., 2007
Phenix Adams et al., 2010
Coot Emsley et al., 2010
PDBePISA Open source
PyMOL Schrödinger
Ligplot McDonald and Thornton, 1994
Agilent QuikChange Primer Design program Agilent Technologies N/A

N/A, not applicable; WUSTL, Washington University in St. Louis.