Fig. 7.
Fate of zearalenone during a 60-min incubation in rat everted intestine. Total decrease in mucosal zearalenone (ZON) during a 60-min incubation is depicted as the sum total of the fraction column in each intestinal segment. ZON, zearalenone transported to the serosal side; α-ZOL, total α-zearalenol transported to the serosal side and secreted to the mucosal side; ZON-GA, total zearalenone glucuronide transported to the serosal side and secreted to the mucosal side; α-ZOL-GA, total α-zearalenol glucuronide transported to the serosal side and secreted to the mucosal side; Unknown fate, zearalenone of unknown fate. Segments I, II, and III are distal from the jejunum and ileum, and IV is the colon.