Figure 1. Visual Response Properties in L2/3 Excitatory Neurons of Binocular V1 Are Rapidly Tuned after Eye-Opening.
(A) Imaging was performed in mouse binocular V1.
(B) ROIs corresponding to the soma of a neuron (green outline) and the surrounding area of neuropil (red outline).
(C) The averaged responses of an example neuron to stimuli (gray bars = stimuli presentation) through the contralateral (blue) and ipsilateral (yellow) eye, after neuropil subtraction and Z scoring. The orientation and direction (arrow) of each stimulus is indicated below the x axis.
(D) Percentage of neurons that are visually responsive at each time point.
(E) Representative image of L2/3 excitatory neuron recordings, showing contralateral (contra, blue), ipsilateral (ipsi, yellow), and binocular (binoc, green) neurons.
(F) ODI of the total population of visually responsive neurons. An ODI of 0 is purely contralateral and 1 purely ipsilateral.
(G) Example tuning curves for two neurons showing orientation preference (Pref), OSI, and DSI.
(H) Distribution of orientation preference in binocular neurons for contralateral responses at each age and HBI.
(I) Distribution of orientation preference in binocular neurons for ipsilateral response and HBI.
(J) Distribution of orientation preference and HBI for contralateral monocular neurons.
(K) Distribution of orientation preference and HBI for ipsilateral monocular neurons.
(L) Quantification of OSI.
(M) Quantification of DSI (*p < 0.05 indicates a significant difference between groups; #p < 0.05 indicates a significant difference within a group from the expected mean; error bars represent standard error of the mean; open circles indicate a data point from an individual mouse; n = number of animals for all statistics).
See also Figures S1 and S2.