Figure 2.
ABsyn plasticity in geographically distributed hybrid circuit. (a) Activity pattern of the pacemaker artificial neuron ANpre. Firing frequency is modulated in four phases, targeting the induction of plasticity as per the sequence: none/LTP/none/LTD, using the chosen plasticity rule. (b) BN firing response to ABsyn inputs. After LTP induction, the origianl 10 Hz pacemaker stimulation becomes capable of eliciting BN action potentials, thus reflecting the increase of postsynaptic potential amplitudes to above therhold. Firing persists until the commencement of the depotentiation/depression phase. (c) MR2 weight evolution. Data points denote resistance values for the intended LTP (red), LTD (blue) or no polarity change (black) phases. The right vertical axis indicates the correpsonding weight. X-axis common to all panels.