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. 2020 Feb 24;174(5):501–503. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2019.6071

Table 1. Survey Constructs and Measures.

Construct Assessment Item Response Options No. (%)
Gender identity How do you describe your gender identity? Transmasculine 121 (59)
Transfeminine 43 (21)
Nonbinarya 40 (20)
Age How old are you? <18 y 105 (56)
≥18 y 83 (44)
Race/ethnicity How do you identify your race/ethnicity? White 166 (86)
Nonwhiteb 26 (14)
Outness Outside of health care, how out are you about your gender identity right now? Out to everyone 82 (42)
Out to most 68 (35)
Out to some 28 (14)
Out to few or no one 17 (9)
Parental support On a scale of 1 to 10, how supportive would you say your most supportive parent/legal guardian is of your transition (1 being not supportive at all and 10 being extremely supportive)? 10 37 (20)
7-9 72 (39)
1-6 77 (41)
Desire EMR-wide documentationc Would you want to have a note made in your EMR so all members of the health care team outside of the gender clinic (eg, emergency department staff, people drawing blood, schedulers) would be able to see the name or pronouns you use? Name and pronouns 156 (79)
Name not pronouns 7 (4)
Pronouns not name 5 (3)
Not sure 23 (12)
No 7 (4)

Abbreviation: EMR, electronic medical record.


Participants who selected nonbinary, genderqueer, gender fluid, gender nonconforming, agender, demiboy or demiman, demigirl or demiwoman, gender variant, androgyne, gender questioning, or 2-spirit were coded as nonbinary.


Response options included black, Hispanic/Latino/a/x, Asian, multiracial, and other.


Percentages may add up to more than 100% because of rounding.