Table 2. Systematic reviews excluded after full text assessment.
Reference | Reason for exclusion |
Brauch, AM, Girresch, SK. A review of empirical treatment studies for adolescents non suicidal
self-injury. Journal of cognitive psychotherapy. 2012;26:3–18. |
Overlap – covered by Hawton 2015 |
Calear, AL, Christensen, H, Freeman, A, Fenton, K, Grant, JB, van Spijker, B,
et al. A systematic
review of psychosocial suicide prevention interventions for youth. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 2016;25(5):467–82. |
Overlap – covered |
Corcoran, J, Dattalo, P, Crowley, M, Brown, E, Grindle, L. A systematic review of psychosocial
interventions for suicidal adolescents. Children and Youth Services Review. 2011;33(11):2112–18. |
Too old |
Cusimano, MD, Sameem, M. The effectiveness of middle and high school-based suicide
prevention programmes for adolescents: a systematic review. Injury Prevention. 2011;17:43–9. |
Too old |
Danish Health Authority. Vurdering og visitation af selvmordstruede. Rådgivning til sunhedspersonale
[Internet]. Copenhagen: Danish Health Authority; 2007 [retrieved 29.07.2018]. Available from: sundhedspersonale |
Does not comply with the DARE-
criteria and too old |
Frey, LM, Hunt, QA. Treatment for suicidal thoughts and behaviour: a review of family-based
interventions. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 2017;44(1):107–124. |
Does not comply with the DARE-
criteria |
Inagaki, M, Kawashima, Y, Kawanishi, C, Yonemoto, N, Sugimoto, T, Furuno, T,
et al. Interventions
to prevent repeat suicidal behaviour in patiens admitted to an emergency department for a suicide attempt: A meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2015;175:66–78. |
Overlap – covered by Hawton 2015 |
Labelle, R, Pouliot, L, Janelle, A. A systematic review and meta-analysis of cognitive behavioural
treatments for suicidal and self-harm behaviours in adolescents. Canadian Psychology/ Psychologie Canadienne. 2015;56(4):368–78. |
Overlap – covered by Hawton 2015 |
Norwegian Directorate of Health. Handlingsplan for forebygging av selvmord og selvskading 2014–
2017 [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; 2014 [retrieved 29.06.2018]. Available from: selvskading-20142017 |
Does not comply with the DARE-
criteria |
Norwegian Directorate of Health. Ivaretakelse av etterlatte ved selvmord [Internet]. Oslo: The
Norwegian Directorate of Health; 2011 [retrieved 29.06.2018]. Available from: https://www. |
Does not comply with the DARE-
criteria and too old |
Norwegian Directorate of Health. Nasjonale retningslinjer for forebygging av selvmord i psykisk
helsevern [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; 2006 [retrieved 29.06.2018]. Available from: |
Does not comply with the DARE-
criteria and too old |
Norwegian Directorate of Health. Veiledende materiell for kommunene om forebygging av
selvskade og selvmord [Internet]. Oslo: The Norwegian Directorate of Health; 2017 [retrieved 29.06.2018]. Available from: |
Does not comply with the DARE-
criteria |
Ougrin, D, Tranah, T, Leigh, E, Taylor, L, Asarnow, JR. Practitioner review: self-harm in adolescents.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 2012;53(4):337–50. |
Overlap – covered by Ourgin 2015
(an update of this review and several others) |
Ougrin, D, Latif, S. Specific psychological treatment versus treatment as usual in adolescents with
self-harm systematic review and meta-analysis. Crisis. 2011;32(2):74–80. |
Too old |
Perry, Y, Werner-Seidler, A, Calear, AL, Christensen, H. Web-Based and Mobile Suicide Prevention
Interventions for Young People: A Systematic Review. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry/Journal de l.Acade.mie canadienne de psychiatrie de l.enfant et de l.adolescent. 2016;25(2):73–9. |
Overlap – covered by Witt 2017 |
Robinson, J. A systematic review of school-based interventions aimed at preventing, treating, and
responding to suicide-related behaviour in young people. Crisis. 2013;34:164–82. |
Overlap – covered by SBU 2015 |
Robinson, J, Hetrick, SE, Martin, C. Preventing suicide in young people: systematic review.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2011;45:3–26. |
Too old |
SBU. Erfarenheter och upplevelser av bemötande och hjälp bland personer med
självskadebeteende [Internet]. Stocholm: Swedish agency for health techonogy assessment and assessment of social services (SBU); 2015 [retrieved 29.07.2018]. Available from: http://www.sbu. se/contentassets/4b3a210e262742c9aede925a23889cb5/bemotande_hjalp_sjalvskadebeteende_ 1_201504.pdf |
Does not comply with the DARE-
criteria |
Smedslund, G, Dalsbø, TK, Reinar, LM. Effects of secondary preventive interventions against self-
harm [Internet]. Oslo: Norwegian Institute of Public Health; 2016 [retrieved 29.07.2018]. Available from: |
Partly overlap – our review includes
Hawton 2015 and SBU 2015, and we excluded Inagaki 2015 and Soomro 2015 |
Soomro, GM, Kakhi, S. Deliberate self-harm (and attempted suicide). Clinical Evidence.
2015;05(1012):1–30. |
Lacks studies on children and
adolescents under 18 years old |
Wei, Y, Kutcher, S, LeBlanc, JC. Hot idea or hot air: A systematic review of evidence for two
marketed youth suicide prevention programs and recommendations for implementation. J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2015;24(1):5–16. |
Overlap – mostly covered by NICE
2018 and SBU 2014 |