(A) Average image-evoked response for excitatory (left panel) and VIP inhibitory cells (right panel) for image presentations where mice were running (mean running speed during the [−0.5, 0.75] second window around stimulus onset was greater than 5 cm/s). Mean image response during running was computed across all running image presentations for each cell, then averaged across cells. Traces show mean ± SEM across cells. (B) Averaged image-locked running speed for image presentations where mice were stationary (mean running speed during the [−0.5, 0.75] second window around stimulus onset was less than 5 cm/s). (C) Average stimulus-triggered running speed across image sets during image presentations where mice were running. Mean running speed was first calculated across all running image presentations within one session, then averaged across sessions. Traces show mean ± SEM across sessions. (D) Average stimulus-triggered running speed across image sets during image presentations where mice were stationary. (E) Average image-locked pupil area during image presentations where mice were running. Mean pupil area was first calculated across all running image presentations within a session, then averaged across sessions. Traces show mean ± SEM across sessions. (F) Average image-locked pupil area during image presentations where mice were stationary.