Figure 6: GAPs support tolerance to dietary antigen and tolerance to luminal antigens in the distal colon.
A) Quantification and B) images of footpad swelling following the induction of oral tolerance by dietary Ova, Ova immunization, and Ova footpad challenge in mice lacking goblet cells (Math1f/f vil-Cre-ERT2 mice) and their littermate controls. Quantification of footpad swelling following dietary Ova, Ova immunization, and Ova footpad challenge in C) mice lacking EGFR in goblet cells (EGFRf/fMath1Cre*PR mice) and their littermate controls treated with mEGF and in D) mice lacking mAChR4 in goblet cells (mAChR4f/f Math1Cre*PR mice) and littermate controls. E) Quantification of footpad swelling following the induction of tolerance by Ova enema, Ova immunization, and Ova footpad challenge in mice lacking goblet cells (Math1f/f vil-Cre-ERT2 mice) and their littermate controls. F-I) Serum IFNγ in mice treated as in A-E 24 hours following footpad challenge. * = P < 0.05. Data is presented as the mean +/− SEM. Each data point represents an individual mouse.