Fig. 1 |. HIV-1 infection decreases ILCs in blood and colon lamina propria.
a, Percent ILCs (Lin−CD56−CD16−CD127+ PBMCs; Extended Data Fig. 1a) from 40 HIV-1−, 36 HIV-1+ viremic, 39 HIV-1+ on ART, and 38 HIV-1+ spontaneous controllers (Supplementary Table 1). b-d, ILCs as in a, correlation with CD4s (b), CD4/CD8 ratio (c), and plasma sCD14 (d). Correlation coefficient (R) by Pearson, zero slope p value determined by the F-test (n=80). e,f, Percent Lin−CD127+ILCs (e) and Lin−CD127+RORγT+ILC3s (f), among colon lamina propria lymphoid cells from 6 HIV-1− and 7 HIV-1+ on ART with undetectable viremia (Supplementary Table 2). g, CD3−CD117+ ILC3s in rectosigmoid tissue from HIV-1− or HIV-1+ individuals on ART (Supplementary Table 1). White arrowheads, ILCs. Scale bar = 100 μm. h,i, As in g, percent ILC3s (h) and CD3−CD117+/CD3+CD117− (i) from 8 HIV-1− and 16 HIV-1+ on ART. j, MX1+ cells as in g. k, As in j, percent MX1+ as in h. l, MPO+ cells as in g. m, As in l, percent MPO+ cells as in h. n, CD127+ among Lin−CD56−CD16− PBMCs (HIV-1−), 16 hrs IL-15 with ruxolitinib (JAK1/2i, n=5), CP-690550 (JAK3i, n=11), rapamycin (RAPA, n=7), or no IL-15 (n=11). Data are mean ± s.e.m., a, e, f, h, i, k, m two-tailed unpaired t-test; n, two-tailed paired t-test. ns, not significant, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. g, j, l, three independent blocks for each donor with similar results.