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. 2020 Feb 26;11:859. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-14697-z

Fig. 2. POGZ regulates the mouse cortical neuronal development.

Fig. 2

a Temporal expression patterns of Pogz mRNA in the brain (each n = 3). E embryonic day; wk week-old. b Regional expression pattern of Pogz mRNA in the E16.5 brain (each n = 3). VZ ventricular zone; SVZ subventricular zone. c Fluorescence in situ hybridization of coronal sections of the E16.5 brain for Pogz and immunostaining with antibodies against PAX6, SOX2, and TBR2. Scale bars, 100 μm. LV lateral ventricle; VZ ventricular zone; SVZ subventricular zone; IZ intermediate zone. d Impairment of neuronal migration by shRNA-mediated knockdown of Pogz in E18.5 mouse cortices electroporated at E14.5. CP cortical plate; IZ intermediate zone; SVZ subventricular zone. Scale bars, 50 μm. e Quantification of GFP+ cells in each layer (each n = 4). f GFP+ neurons were co-labeled for SATB2 (a layer II/III marker). g Quantification of GFP+ SATB2+ neurons (n = 4). h GFP+ neurons were co-labeled for CTIP2 (a layer V marker). i Quantification of GFP+ CTIP2+ neurons (n = 4). j GFP+ neurons were co-labeled for TBR1 (a layer VI marker). k Quantification of GFP+ TBR1+ neurons (n = 4). Note that Pogz knockdown had little effect on the proportion of SATB2+ GFP+, CTIP2+ GFP+ or TBR1+ GFP+ neurons and that the GFP+ cells with delayed migration were mostly SATB2+ neurons. h Same slice as in f. f, h, j Right panels, magnifications of the areas outlined with orange boxes. White scale bars, 50 μm; orange scale bars, 10 μm. a, b, g, i, k One-way ANOVA with Bonferroni–Dunn post hoc tests; a F10, 22 = 48.52; b F7, 16 = 73.23; g F2, 9 = 0.393; i F2, 9 = 1.079; k F2, 9 = 0.239. e Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA with Bonferroni–Dunn post hoc tests, F4, 27 = 39.28. ***P < 0.001. Data are presented as the mean ± s.e.m.