Figure 5.
GUS staining in various CRS-1 tissues/organs. The pEarleyGate 101-uidA transformed Agrobacterium GV3101 culture that contains 0.015% of Silwett L-77, 0.05% of Pluronic F-68 and 5 mM of ascorbic acid was vacuum infiltrated for 10 minutes after 30 seconds of sonication. The pictures of GUS stained tissues/organs were taken 4 days after infiltration. (a) Control hemp leaf discs (bar 500 µm). (b) Agroinfiltrated leaf discs (bar 500 µm). (c) Control mature leaf (bar 15 mm). (d) Agroinfiltrated mature leaf (bar 15 mm). (e) Control pollen sac (bar 600 µm). (f) Agroinfiltrated pollen sac (bar 600 µm). (g) Agroinfiltrated anthers and sepals (bar 120 µm). (h) Control pollen sac clusters (bar 200 µm). (i) Agroinfiltrated pollen sac clusters (bar 200 µm). (j) Agroinfiltrated filaments (bar 120 µm). (k) Agroinfiltrated pollen (bar 25 µm). (l) Agroinfiltrated nonglandular trichomes (bar 400 µm). (m) Agroinfiltrated female flower (bar 13 mm). (n) Agroinfiltrated pistil (bar 300 µm). Arrows indicate pollen grain and nonglandular trichomes in (k,l), respectively.