Table 1.
Factor analysis of different types of Facebook use
Variables | Factor loadingsa | |
Directed communication | Broadcasting | |
Sending private messages to friends | 0.848 | |
Commenting on friends’ wall, photo, or video | 0.844 | |
Liking friends’ post or pictures | 0.815 | |
Sending group instant messages | 0.810 | |
Updating status | 0.814 | |
Sharing pictures | 0.800 | |
Sharing videos | 0.751 | |
Writing notes | 0.689 | |
Percent variance explained | 44.534 | 27.555 |
Eigenvalue | 3.172 | 1.953 |
Cronbach’s α | .89 | .91 |
Note. aQuartimax rotation was employed for the final solution.