Figure 3.
miR-122 suppresses Gls expression by direct targeting.A, B. qRT-PCR analysis of Gls mRNA (A) and immunoblot analysis of GLS protein (B) in miR122 KO and control mice. NS denotes nonspecific band. C. TargetScan predicted miR-122 seed match in mouse Gls 3′-UTR. D. Luciferase assays in EC4 cells co-transfected with psi-CHECK2 vector harboring the wild type (WT) or mutant Gls-3′UTR deleted of miR-122 cognate site and miR-122 mimic or NC mimic (negative control). E, F. qRT-PCR (E) and immunoblot (F) analyses of Gls after ectopic expression of miR-122 mimic or NC mimic in EC4 cells. G. Glutaminase activity assay in the mitochondrial extract of EC4 cells transfected with miR-122 mimic or NC mimic (See methods for details). * and **denote P values of ≤0.05 and 0.01, respectively (n = 3–4).