Figure 2.
Distribution and characteristics of beta bursts in Condition 1–4. A, The relative averaged beta amplitude for all conditions (1–4) over the period from −2.5 s before the onset of the movement up to 2 s after the movement. The amplitude peaks in Condition 1–3 correspond to the timing of the peak of the trigger bursts (i.e., those triggering the cue) before the onset of the movement (c1= −0.68 s, c2= −0.80 s, c3= −1.02 s). As expected, no such peak can be derived from Condition 4, in which the presentation of the go-cue was not timed with the occurrence of beta bursts. B, C, The averaged maximal burst amplitude and mean burst duration for the bursts detected in Conditions 1–4. Separate RM-ANOVAs gave a significant main effect for the amplitude comparison (F(3,42) = 5.21, p = 0.021) and for the comparison of burst duration (F(3,42) = 4.75, p = 0.026). However post hoc pairwise comparisons between conditions were not significant after correction for multiple comparisons. Thus, the intrinsic characteristics of beta bursts were considered comparable across the four conditions. Red crosses correspond to values above the 75th percentile.