Continued bursting in Condition 1–3 and impact on peak velocity (PV). A, The beta power envelopes of single trials (gray) and the average beta envelope (bold black) for Conditions 1–3 in the representative Subject 7. The dark blue arrow indicates the trigger burst of the three conditions which was used to trigger the go-cue in the online experiment. The trials are aligned to the movement-onset, indicated by the red line at time 0. The orange sections of beta power envelopes indicate trials with additional bursting (continued bursting) after the trigger burst (72.3 ± 2.9% of trials). B, The comparison of PV in trials with continued bursting with those without continued bursting. This reveals that PV in the group with continued bursting was significantly lower than the PV of the remaining trials (n = 15, z = 15, p = 0.008). C, No such difference was found when all trials were median split according to the beta amplitude during the period of continued bursting to give groups of trials with low and with high beta amplitude (n = 15, z = 36, p = 0.188). Red crosses correspond to values above the 75th or below the 25th percentile. **p < 0.01. n.s. = not significant.