Figure 1.
Staining and form of microglia in human PTC and MTLE tissue. A, Staining of PTC with lectin. IB4 (green, left), tomato lectin (red, middle), and both signals (merge). Maximal intensity from z stack (total 50 μm, step 1 μm) at 10 min after focal injection of lectins. IB4 lectin stained only endothelial cells of blood vessels (BV). Tomato lectin stained both microglia and endothelial cells. B, Tomato lectin-positive cells (right) were also Iba1+ (left). C, Tomato lectin-labeled microglia from PTC and from the CA1, dentate, and subicular regions of MTLE tissue. Maximal intensity from z stacks (50 μm, 1 μm step). D, 3D reconstructions of cells in C. Top right, Cross-sectional area. E, Cross-sectional area distributions for cells of PTC (n = 34) and CA1 (n = 25), dentate gyrus (n = 17), and subiculum (n = 18 cells) of MTLE tissue. Red line indicates the threshold of 300 μm2 used to distinguish amoeboid and ramified cells.