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. 2007 Jul 18;2007(3):CD000155. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000155.pub2

Telimaa 1988(a).

Methods Random allocation. Method not described.
Participants Endometriosis, all stages, at laparoscopy; infertility duration unspecified.
Interventions Provera 100 mg daily for 6 months, n=17 patients randomised and included 
 placebo daily for 6 months, n=14 patients randomised and included.
Outcomes Clinical pregnancy, diagnosis not defined; data reported by stage of disease.
Notes Up to 30 months post‐treatment follow up; 3‐arm trial; approximately 1/3 patients in each arm received treatment or placebo after conservative surgery. Pregnancy data not separable for medical treatment alone. Co‐intervention with electrocautery at laparoscopy in 9 women and clomiphene in 11 women, but these treatments were evenly distributed across allocation groups. ITT analysis done. Funding: drugs supplied by Farmos Group Ltd Turku, Finland.
Note that this is the same study as Telimaa 1988 (b).
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Adequate sequence generation? Unclear risk 'Randomly allocated' no further details provided.
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk Unclear; no details provided.
 All outcomes High risk No details of blinding.
Incomplete outcome data addressed? 
 All outcomes Low risk Data reported on all women.
Free of selective reporting? High risk Not followed up to live birth.