Left: Local coordination environment of the
uranium center in 1 (T = 120 K). Cocrystallized
water molecules
are omitted for clarity. Selected bond lengths (Å): U–O1
2.502(2), U–O2 2.477(2), U–O3 2.401(2), U–O4
2.476(2), C1–O1 1.258(3), C2–O2 1.267(4), C1–C2
1.522(4), C3–O3 1.265(3), C4–O4 1.258(3), C3–C4
1.531(4). Right: View of the extended coordination polymer structure
shown along the triangular pores corresponding to viewed perpendicular
to the crystallographic [1, 0, −1] plane. Pore-filling cocrystallized
water molecules have been omitted for clarity. Color code: U, blue;
Cl, green; O, red; C, gray; H, white.