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. 2020 Feb 27;18:21. doi: 10.1186/s12915-020-0753-2

Table 2.

Summary of sample preparation techniques

Preparation Protocol Considerations
Drying Air drying, HDMS or critical point drying (for cells) and freeze drying (for tissues) [53]

• Samples become very delicate

• Subsequent fixation not possible

• Long or thin parts prone to movement during scanning

• Compatible with electron microscopy in correlative imaging

Chemical fixation

10% neutral buffered formalin [54]

1% glutaraldehyde in acetone [55]

Copenhagen mix (for plants: 70% absolute alcohol, 2% glycerol, 28% water) [41]

• Typically used before heavy metal staining to minimise sample shrinkage

• Imaging may be performed in liquid or air (typically ethanol or distilled water)

• Sample may move during scanning; measures to prevent movement such as packing with foam are advised

• If imaging in air, measures to prevent drying are advised (e.g. placing sample in sealed container with a small reservoir of liquid to maintain humidity)

Embedding Resin [56] or wax [34]

• Effective at preventing sample movement

• Good for samples with long or thin parts which may otherwise vibrate during scanning, causing blurred imaging

• Can be used with or without staining

• Resin compatible with block face serial sectioning for correlative imaging

Freezing Freezing [57] or vitrification [19]

• Use of a cryo-stage is necessary during CT imaging of frozen samples

• Vitrification is typical for soft nCT as it minimises cryo-damage

Native tissue No fixative, with staining [26] • Used to provide contrast whilst minimising change in tissue mechanical properties (iodine in phosphate buffered saline has been used for this purpose)
No fixative, no staining [58] • Fix and stain unsuited to some tissues due to uptake of fluid causing swelling, e.g. intervertebral disc