HPLC-TOF MS analysis of Vendor 1 (V1) product using Cyano
(CN) column analysis: (A) total ions chromatograms (TIC) of V1
product injection (1 μg); (B) extracted ions chromatograms (EIC) of the
five main components listed on V1 package using the predicted
m/z; (C) EIC of cyclocreatine for V1 samples,
1 μg aliquots spiked with 10 pg, 100 pg, 1 ng, 5 ng, and 100 ng of
cyclocreatine standard; (D) EIC of phosphocyclocreatine for V1
samples, 1 μg aliquots spiked with 50 pg, 100 pg, 1 ng, 10 ng, and 50 ng
of phosphocyclocreatine standard. The ion extraction based on the predicted
m/z was at 20 ppm tolerance.