Figure 6. Regulation of Spindle Orientation during Adaptive Growth Depends on Wdr62 and Kif1a.
(A) Quantification of spindle orientation after short-term refeeding. Control data for feeding and short-term refeeding were taken from Figure 3B and justified by pooling cells from 18+ flies over 5+ independent experiments.
(B) Percentage of D1+ cells (ISCs) was reduced after Wdr62RNAi or Kif1a overexpression in short-term refed conditions. The number of PH3+ cells in the gut was not affected.
(C) Gut length was decreased after Wdr62RNAi or Kif1a overexpression.
Mean ± SD (B, %D1+ cells, and C) or mean ± SEM (B, #PH3+ cells); n ≥ 9 flies (B, %D1+ cells, and C) and n ≥ 18 flies (B, #PH3+ cells), with spindle orientation quantified from ≥19 flies per condition (A); N.S., not significant; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, based on a Kruskal-Wallis test (A–C). Red bar, mean (A). Scale bars, 20 μm (B) and 500 μm (C).