Figure 6. The conduction delay for theta to travel along the dorsal-ventral axis depends upon which phase is used as a reference point.
(A) Representative example of LFP. Blue lines connect the peaks across channels and orange lines connect falling phases across channels. The orange lines appear steeper than the blue lines, indicating shorter conduction delays. (B) Across rats, the conduction delay is longest for theta peaks (0° or 360°, marked with blue arrowheads), shortest for falling phases (90°, marked with orange arrowhead), and increase progressively between 90° and 360°. Medians across rats are shown in black with 95% bootstrap confidence intervals on the within-rat effect of reference phase. (C) Subtracting the mean delay for each rat from the lines shown in panel (B) to focus on the within-rat effect of reference phase on delay shows a reliable positive correlation between reference phase and conduction delay. The black line shown the best-fit trendline (R2 = 0.82) corresponding to the shown equation. Across panels, data from individual rats are shown as colored lines. Ref. = reference.