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. 2020 Jan 10;19:100253. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2019.100253

Table 3.

Association of being bullied with suicidal ideation, suicide planning and attempt in boys and girls and their gender ratio.

Ratio of two ORs in boys vs girls
OR(95%CI) a P OR(95%CI) a P ROR P
Association of being bullied with suicidal ideationa,#
Total 1·81(1·72–1·89) <0·001 1·85(1·78–1·93) <0·001 0·98 0·490
Africa 1·51(1·34–1·70) <0·001 1·62(1·46–1·79) <0·001 0·93 0·379
Americas 1·89(1·74–2·05) <0·001 1·82(1·70–1·94) <0·001 1·04 0·482
Eastern Mediterranean 1·77(1·60–1·96) <0·001 1·88(1·71–2·08) <0·001 0·94 0·402
Europe 1·64(1·11–2·41) 0·012 1·97(1·39–2·77) <0·001 0·83 0·489
Southeast Asia 1·88(1·48–2·40) <0·001 2·10(1·69–2·60) <0·001 0·90 0·503
Western Pacific 1·95(1·77–2·16) <0·001 2·02(1·86–2·20) <0·001 0·97 0·596
Association of being bullied with suicide planningb,#
Total 1·72(1·63–1·80) <0·001 1·70(1·63–1·77) <0·001 1·01 0·722
Africa 1·62(1·45–1·81) <0·001 1·61(1·46–1·77) <0·001 1·01 0·934
Americas 1·78(1·64–1·94) <0·001 1·69(1·58–1·80) <0·001 1·05 0·339
Eastern Mediterranean 1·58(1·42–1·76) <0·001 1·66(1·50–1·83) <0·001 0·95 0·508
Europe 1·44(0·93–2·23) 0·105 2·07(1·44–2·96) <0·001 0·70 0·209
Southeast Asia 1·69(1·33–2·13) <0001 1·66(1·36–3·76) <0·001 1·02 0·950
Western Pacific 1·83(1·64–2·05) <0·001 1·79(1·62–1·97) <0·001 1·02 0·770
Association of being bullied with suicide attemptc,#
Total 2·28(2·14–2·42) <0·001 2·04(1·93–2·15) <0·001 1·12 0·008
Africa 2·62(2·20–3·13) <0·001 1·96(1·66–2·33) <0·001 1·34 0·020
Americas 2·10(1·91–2·31) <0·001 1·94(1·79–2·10) <0·001 1·08 0·211
Eastern Mediterranean 2·02(1·79–2·27) <0·001 1·79(1·60–2·00) <0·001 1·13 0·146
Western Pacific 2·73(2·40–3·11) <0·001 2·62(2·33–2·94) <0·001 1·04 0·643

Bold digits were the association of being bullied with SI, SP and SA in boys and girls and their dender ratio for the total sample.


data from 70 countries.


data from 69 countries.


data from 40 countries.


Adjusted for age, sex, grade, socioeconomic status, income classification, survey year, cigarette smoke, alcohol use, number of friends, and parental support, loneliness, anxiety, and gender specified age-standardize suicide rate.