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. 2020 Jan 1;225(2):591–605. doi: 10.1007/s00429-019-02019-z

Table 2.

Overview of menstrual cycle literature in RS fMRI

Method References N Design Whole brain/ ICN/ROI Phases considered Cycle comparisons Hormone relations
Pre-O L E P
Group ICA Hjelmervik et al. 2014 16 Longitudinal FPN M, Pre-O, L n.s n.s
Petersen et al. 2014 20 M 25 L Cross-sectional DMN and ECN M, L Not considered



De Bondt et al. 2015 18 Longitudinal DMN and FPN M, Pre-O, L n.s ↑Precuneus n.s
Pletzer et al. 2016 18 Longitudinal DMN, FPN, ECN, MLN M, Pre-O, L





↓lFPN-rSMC/ rOperculum1,2


Not considered
Weis et al. 2019 19 Longitudinal DMN M, Pre-O, L ↓DMN-ldlPFC1 n.s Not considered
Syan et al. 2017 25 Longitudinal DMN, FPN, MLN M, L Not considered n.s Not considered
ECM Arélin et al. 2015 1

Single subject

32 scans

Whole brain Four entire MC Not considered n.s

↑ dlPFC


ALFF Not considered
Seed based connectivity Syan et al. 2017 25 Longitudinal PCC, dlPFC, aI, Amyg, V1, SMC M, L Not considered n.s ↑ Amyg-SMC ↓dlPFC-SMC
Engman et al. 2018 18 Longitudinal Amyg and dACC M, L Not considered



Not considered
Arélin et al. 2015 1

Single subject

32 scans

dlPFC and SMC Four entire MC Not considered n.s



ICA independent component analyses, ECM eigenvector centrality mapping, ALFF amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations, M menses/early follicular, Pre-O pre-ovulatory, L luteal, E:estradiol, P progesterone, n.s. not significant, MC menstrual cycle, ICN intrinsic connectivity network, ROI region of interest, FPN fronto-parietal network, DMN default mode network, ECN executive control network, MLN mesolimbic network, Ang angular gyrus, d/ACC dorsal/anterior cingulate cortex, mPFC medial prefrontal cortex, BG basal ganglia, SMC sensoriomotor cortices, PCC posterior cingulate cortex, dlPFC dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, aI anterior insula, Amyg amygdala, CB cerebellum V1: primary visual cortex, Temp temporal gyrus, Hipp hippocampus, r prefix: right, l prefix: left. For group ICA analyses, only results in DMN, FPN, ECN, and MLN are summarized

1Compared to menses

2Compared to pre-ovulatory