Figure 2.
Representative evacuation scenarios for Futaba, Tomioka, Naraha and Okuma towns. Hierarchical clustering analyses by the Ward method were performed for behaviour records of children and youths less than 20 years old to depict representative evacuation scenarios for each municipality with usage rate of the scenario. Then, thyroid doses of 1-year-old children in each evacuation scenario were compared by the Kruskal-Wallis and post-hoc Steel-Dwass tests. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. The following keys, either doses or places, were used for hierarchical clustering analysis. (a) For Futaba town, 12 PM1, 12 PM2, 15 AM2, and 21 AM1 of March 2011. (b) For Tomioka town, 12 AM2, 16 AM1, 21 AM1, and 24 AM1 of March 2011. (c) For Naraha town, 15 AM2, 16 AM1, 21 AM1, 24 AM1 of March 2011. (d) For Okuma town, 12 AM2, 12 PM1, 15 PM1, and 21 AM1 of March 2011. Bold fonts are the key location of suspected exposure from the plumes. OOP: Out of prefecture.