Fig. 4. Net ecosystem exchange and yield in the rotation cycles.
Net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and yield, expressed as fresh fruit bunch (FFB) production, over the life cycles of business-as-usual and alternative management scenarios. Running annual means (left side, mean of all previous years at a given age) and cumulative values (right side) are presented for NEE (panels a and b) and for FFB production (panels c and d). All presented scenarios assume oil palm cultivation on mineral soil. The business-as-usual scenario (solid black line) assumes an oil palm plantation life cycle of 25 years. The simulated alternative management scenarios assume a life cycle of 30 years (scenario A, dashed yellow), 40 years (scenario B, dashed dark blue), and 30 years with a hypothetical, earlier-yielding oil palm variety (scenario C, dashed light blue). All scenarios for NEE are also given for second-rotation cycles (same colour codes as for first rotation cycles but with dotted lines). Yield was assumed to be constant in both rotation cycles (see Supplementary Fig. 4).