Table 1.
Epidemiology studies reporting positive association between hyperglycaemia or diabetes mellitus and osteoarthritis
Author /year/country (study name) |
Study design | N | Site of OA | Definition of OA | Comparison of obesity at baseline | Adjustment of obesity/ age | Quality indicators | Main results | ||
Selection | Comparability (BMI and age)§* |
Outcome | ||||||||
Prospective cohort studies | ||||||||||
Yoshimura 2012, Japan (ROAD study)20 |
CH | 1690 | Knee | X-ray | Mean BMI
Age, gender and components of MetS (include BMI≥25) | *** | BMI* Age (∅) |
** | DM associated with prevalence of knee OA adj OR=1.94 (95% CI 1.05 to 3.59) DM associated with knee OA progression adj OR=1.18 (95% CI 0.84 to 1.64) |
Schett 2013, Italy7 |
CH | 927 | Hip and knee | Arthroplasty | Mean BMI
Age, sex, BMI and other variables | **** | BMI (∅) Age (∅) |
** | Significant increase risk of knee OA, comparing DM to non-DM adj HR=2.09 (95% CI 1.10 to 3.99) |
Davies-Tuck 2012, Australia23 |
CH | 165 | Knee | MRI cartilage volume and bone marrow lesion | No data | Change in BMI over time | **** | BMI (∅) | ** | Fasting blood glucose was positively associated with incident bone marrow lesions in women, adj OR=5.76 (95% CI 1.06 to 31.21) but not in men, adj OR=0.11 (95% CI 0.01 to 1.79) |
Cross-sectional studies | ||||||||||
Wang 2013, China24 |
CS | 1877 | Knee and hand | X-ray and symptoms | No data | Age, sex, BMI, comorbidities | *** | BMI (∅) Age (∅) |
* | DM was associated with OA. Hand OA, OR=2.711 (95% CI 0.397 to 8.904) Knee OA, OR=2.247 (95% CI 0.746 to 12.370) |
Siviero 2009, Italy Italian (Longitudinal study of Ageing)25 |
CS | 1867 | Shoulder | Physician diagnosis | Mean BMI:
Age, sex, BMI and others | *** | BMI (∅) Age (∅) |
*** | Higher prevalence of DM in OA Shoulder OA: 9.4% |
Haugen 2015, USA21 |
Cross-sectional data of prospective cohort | 1348 | Hand | X-ray and symptoms | Mean BMI
No adjustment for prevalence data | **** | BMI* | ** | Higher prevalence of DM, comparing hand OA to no hand OA |
Hart 1995, USA (The Chingford study)26 |
CS | 979 Women only |
Knee | X-ray and symptoms | No data | Age, BMI | **** | BMI (∅) Age (∅) |
**** | Significant increase risk of knee OA in subjects with third tertile compared with first tertile of glucose level. |
Eymard 2015, Multicentre, 18 countries (SEKOIA trial)27 |
Posthoc analysis of placebo arm of RCT | 559 | Knee | OA progression by annualised JSN | DM vs non-DM: No significant difference in joint space width |
Age, sex, BMI, hypertension dyslipidemia | ** | BMI (∅) Age (∅) |
** | Significant higher annualised JSN in DM men only (p=0.027), but not women with DM. |
Reid 2010, USA28 |
CS | 6299 | Not specified | ICD code | Not available | Age and gender in separate models. Adjusted for BMI in categories, hypertension, smoking | *** | BMI (∅) Age* |
* | Significant increased risk of OA in younger women, comparing DM vs non-DM No significant risk of OA in older women and men, comparing DM vs non-DM |
Case-control studies | ||||||||||
Rahman 2013, Canada (Canadian Community Health Survey)19 |
CC | 81 634 | Not specified | Structured questionnaire | Prevalence of Obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2)
No adjustment for prevalence data | *** | Age* | ** | Higher prevalence of DM, comparing OA to non-OA. |
Puenpatom 2009, USA (NHANES III data)43 |
CC | 7714 | Not specified | Record linkage, X-ray, self-report | No data | No adjustment for prevalence data | *** | Nil | ** | Higher prevalence of DM, comparing OA to non-OA |
Cimmino 1990, Italy44 |
CC | 1246 | Finger, hip, knee, spine, diffuse |
X-ray | Prevalence of Obese†
Nil | **** | Nil | ** | Significant higher blood glucose in OA vs non-OA (both men, women, both sex) |
Karvonen-Gutierrez 2012, USA (NHANES III data)22 |
CC | 1066 | Knee | X-ray | Mean BMI
Nil | *** | BMI (∅) | *** | Significant association between HOMA-IR and knee OA.
Maddah 2015, Iran45 |
CC | 625 | Knee | X-ray | Mean BMI for men:
Mean BMI for women:
(p<0.001) |
Nil | *** | Nil | ** | Higher prevalence of DM among women with knee OA compared with non-OA Not significant for men |
Nieves-Plaza 2013, Puerto Rico8 |
CC | 202 | Hand and knee | ACR criteria | Prevalence of Obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2)
Age, sex, obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2, and other variables | * | BMI (∅) Age (∅) |
** | Significant increased risk of hand/ knee OA, comparing DM to non-DM |
Waine 1961, USA6 |
CC | 60 | Knee | X-ray | Prevalence of Obese‡
Matched age in case/ control BMI not adjusted |
* | Age* | * | Higher X-ray scores in DM compared with non-DM subjects. |
*§Comparability scoring is given as full star (*) to comparable BMI and age at baseline; and half star (denoted by (∅)) if BMI and age was adjusted with statistical modelling.
†Obese defined as weight exceeding ideal weight by 10 kg.
‡Obese defined as exceeding 20% of ideal body weight.
ACR, American college of rheumatology; adj, adjusted; BMI, body mass index; CC, case-control study; CH, prospective cohort study; CS, cross-sectional study; DM, diabetes mellitus; HOMA-IR, homeostatic model assessment-insulin resistance; ICD, international classification of diseases; JSN, joint space narrowing; KL, Kellgren-Lawrence grade; metS, metabolic syndrome; n, sample size; OA, osteoarthritis; RCT, randomised controlled trial; unadj, unadjusted; X-ray, radiographic.