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. 2020 Feb 3;17(2):87–95. doi: 10.30773/pi.2019.0206

Table 2.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of subjects

OCD (N=23) HCs (N=23) Statistics*(t or χ2) p-value
Age (years) 24.74±5.42 22.57±3.48 -1.62 0.113
Gender (male/female) 19/4 19/4 0.00 1.000
Handedness (left/right) 1/22 1/22 0.00 1.000
IQ 110.39±15.61 109.87±16.53 -0.11 0.913
Education years (years) 13.70±1.96 13.22±3.46 0.58 0.568
Onset age (years) 18.05±6.33 - - -
Duration of illness (years) 6.68±4.89 - - -
Y-BOCS score
 Total 23.43±6.79 - - -
 Obsession 12.00±4.00 - - -
 Compulsion 11.43±3.42 - - -
HAM-D 12.61±6.89 - - -
HAM-A 13.00±7.08 - - -

numerical data were assessed by an independent t-test if the variances were equal or by Welch’s t-test otherwise; Fisher’s exact test was used for categorical data.

OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder, HCs: healthy controls, IQ: intelligence quotient, Y-BOCS: Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale, HAM-D: Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, HAM-A: Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety