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. 2019 Jan 17;98(3):170–176. doi: 10.2471/BLT.19.236646

Table 3. Robustness check of the effect of the restriction on carrying guns on gun-related mortality, Colombia, 2008–2014.

Time period No. of observations Effect of policy, β coefficient (SE) P
2011–2013 (gun-related mortality)
−0.39 (0.10)
< 0.01
2008–2011 (gun-related mortality)
0.28 (0.58)
2012–2014 (gun-related mortality)
−0.13 (0.46)
2008–2014 (city-specific time trends) 756 −2.51 × 10−5 (7.85 × 10−6) 0.01

SE: standard error.

Notes: The outcome is the logarithm of the monthly mortality rate per 100 000 population associated with gun injuries. Gun-related deaths include homicides, suicides and unintentional incidents. All models are a difference-in-differences panel design with city and the month fixed effects for all Colombian cities with a population of more than 500 000 in 2008. All models include calendar month dummies. The β coefficients represent the interaction of a dummy variable accounting for month of the enactment and a dummy variable identifying the treatment city. The coefficients for the periods before and after enactment of the restriction compare the intervention and the control cities. The coefficient for the city-specific time trends model represents an interaction of a dummy variable accounting for the month of the enactment, a dummy variable identifying the treatment city and the time variable accounting for every month in the study period.