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. 2020 Feb 21;10:1688. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01688

Table 1A.

The negative results of clinical trials of AD with EGb.

Study Patients and gender female Age (years) [mean(SD)] Ginkgo biloba dose (mg/day) Duration Inclusion criteria Outcome measures Published date
Subhan and Hindmarch (1984) 8 F 32.0 120; 240; 600 One-dose Healthy volunteers CFF; CRT; LARS 1984
Schaffler and Reeh (1985) 8 M 27.3 80 2 w Healthy volunteers Complex choice test; battery of oculomotor and cardiorespiratory tests 1985
Lacomblez et al. (1990) 12 F 22.0 600 One-dose Healthy volunteers CFF; CRT; LARS; long memory (p <0.05) 1990
Stough et al. (2001) 26 F; 24 M 30.4 120 30 d Healthy volunteers exclude head injury, intellectual developmental disability, neurological or psychiatric illness, current pregnancy, and current use of any other medication Digit Symbol Substitution Test; Speed of Comprehension Test; Symbol Digit Modalities Test; Digit Span; Trail Making Test; Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; Inspection Time; working memory 2001
Kennedy et al. (2002) 15 F; 5 M 21.2 360 One-dose Healthy undergraduate volunteers exclude heavy smoker and taking illicit social drugs Cognitive measures; memory; attention; serial subtraction tasks; subjective mood measure 2002
Scholey and Kennedy (2002) 18 F; 2 M 19.9 120; 240; 360 One-dose Healthy volunteers exclude taking other medication and heavy smoker serial subtractions; speed of attention 2002
Dongen et al. (2003) EGb: 68 F; 11 M
Placebo: 36 F; 8 M
160; 240 24 w a diagnosis of uncomplicated dementia age ≥ 50 years a score ranging from 8 to 23 on the SKT score absence of depression IQ > 80 absence serious comorbidity Syndrom Kurz Test; Clinical Global Impression-2; Nürnberger Alters Alltagsaktivitäten Skala 2003
Mattes and Pawlik (2004) EGb: 11 F; 10 M
Placebo: 9 F; 9 M
184.5 13 w Healthy volunteers 18–40 years of age body weight of 45.5–91 kg no known medical conditions not taking prescription medications no chemosensory abnormalities Affect grid; POMS 2004
Elsabagh et al. (2005) 26 F; 26 M
19 F; 21 M
120 One-dose
6 w
Healthy volunteers exclude current use of psychoactive or anticoagulant medication exclude alcohol or drug dependence exclude pregnancy or lactation or current use of ginkgo SoC; SWM; word presentation; picture presentation; mood rating scale; alcohol and caffeine diaries; PRM; SRM; word recall; picture recall; PASAT 2005
Schneider et al. (2005) 120 mg EGb: 84 F; 85 M
240 mg EGb: 96 F; 74 M
Placebo: 90 F; 84 M
120; 240 26 w a diagnosis of dementia of the Alzheimer’s type age ≥ 60 years duration of dementia symptoms at least 6 months Modified Hachinski Ischemic Score less than 4 Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score of 10 to 24 ADAS-cog 2005
Burns et al. (2010) EGb: 22 F; 24 M
Placebo: 21 F; 26 M
EGb: 54 M
Placebo: 50 M
120 12 w Healthy volunteers exclude taking cardiovascular, anticoagulant, antidepressant and antianxiety medication exclude any injury impaired cognitive tests Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery-Revised 2006

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; EGb, Ginkgo biloba L. leaf extract; CFF, Critical Flicker Fusion test; CRT, Choice Reaction Time; LARS, Leeds Analogue Rating Scales; POMS, Profile of Mood States; SoC, Stockings of Cambridge; SWM, spatial working memory; PRM, pattern recognition memory; SRM, spatial recognition memory; PASAT, Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task; ADAS-cog, Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale.

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