Figure 2.
Gene expression of the hyaluronate (HA) system. Expression was studied by the microarray analysis of individual human oocytes (n = 4), 4-cell embryos (n = 4), 8-cell stage blastomeres (n = 8 blastomeres from one embryo), intact 8-cell embryos (n = 3), intact blastocysts (n = 4) and isolated ICM and TE samples (n = 6 each), using Mas5 normalisation. Data are mean ±SEM, with the lower threshold of positive relative gene expression set at 5.64 (dotted line), based on MAS5 normalisation. HA receptor genes CD44 and HMMR, hyaluronan synthase genes HAS1–3 and hyaluronidase genes HYAL1–3.