Table 1.
Neuroplasticity Markers Across Levels of Analysis
Level of analysis | Dysfunctional State | Treatment Goal State |
Molecular/cellular | ↓synaptic number and function, neuronal atrophy | ↑synaptogenesis, ↑neurotrophic factors |
Neural network | ↓PFC-limbic circuit connectivity | ↑PFC-limbic connectivity and ↑PFC regulatory control over limbic regions |
Cognitive Function | ↓flexibility, ↓cognitive control, ↓goal-directed inhibition/excitation of lower-order functions | ↑flexibility and cognitive control, ↑goal-directed inhibition/excitation capacity |
Affective Information Processing | rigid negative biases in implicit information processing (e.g., attention, memory, interpretations, self-representations) | unbiased and flexible information processing |
Clinical/self-report | Perseverative negative thoughts, repetitive maladaptive behaviors, depression | novel positive thoughts/perceptions, diversified behavioral repertoire, euthymic mood, improved function/engagement |