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. 2020 Feb 21;11:111. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00111


Distribution of scores on the PANSI-NSI and PANSI-PI.

Item Responses options

None of the time Rarely Sometimes Often Most of the time
Seriously considered killing yourself because you could not live up to the expectations of other people? 76.1% (n = 134) 14.8% (n = 26) 6.8% (n = 12) 0.6% (n = 1) 1.1% (n = 2)
Felt hopeless about the future and you wondered if you should kill yourself? 72.2% (n = 127) 14.2% (n = 25) 9.7% (n = 17) 1.7% (n = 3) 2.3% (n = 4)
Felt so unhappy about your relationship with someone you wished you were dead? 75.0% (n = 132) 11.4% (n = 20) 8.5% (n = 15) 2.3% (n = 4) 2.3% (n = 4)
Thought about killing yourself because you could not accomplish something important in your life? 80.1% (n = 141) 8.5% (n = 15) 6.8% (n = 12) 2.8% (n = 5) 1.7% (n = 3)
Thought about killing yourself because you could not find a solution to a personal problem? 79.0% (n = 139) 11.4% (n = 20) 7.4% (n = 13) 1.7% (n = 3) 0.6% (n = 1)
Thought about killing yourself because you felt like a failure in life? 77.8% (n = 137) 13.1% (n = 23) 4.5% (n = 8) 2.3% (n = 4) 2.3% (n = 4)
Thought that your problems were so overwhelming that suicide was seen as the only option for you? 79.0% (n = 139) 6.8% (n = 12) 10.2% (n = 18) 1.7% (n = 3) 1.7% (n = 3)
Felt so lonely or sad you wanted to kill yourself so that you could end your pain? 77.3% (n = 136) 14.8% (n = 26) 4.0% (n = 7) 2.3% (n = 4) 1.7% (n = 3)
Felt that you were in control of most situations in your life? 2.3% (n = 4) 11.4% (n = 20) 23.3% (n = 41) 37.5% (n = 66) 25.6% (n = 45)
Felt hopeful about the future because things were working out well for you? 4.5% (n = 8) 7.4% (n = 13) 19.9% (n = 35) 31.3% (n = 55) 36.9% (n = 65)
Felt excited because you were doing well at school or at work? 5.7% (n = 10) 8.5% (n = 15) 36.9% (n = 65) 35.8% (n = 63) 13.1% (n = 23)
Felt confident about your ability to cope with most of the problems in your life? 5.7% (n = 10) 7.4% (n = 13) 22.7% (n = 40) 36.9% (n = 65) 26.7% (n = 47)
Felt that life was worth living? 3.4% (n = 6) 5.1% (n = 9) 8.5% (n = 15) 19.3% (n = 34) 63.6%(n = 112)
Felt confident about your plans for the future? 3.4% (n = 6) 11.4% (n = 20) 22.7% (n = 40) 31.8% (n = 56) 30.7% (n = 54)