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. 2020 Jan 9;15(7):1290–1299. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.272610

Table 1.

Distribution of DCX positive labeling in the cerebral cortexes of adult primates with or without tissue and antigen adsorption

Primary antibodies/disposition/brain region

Abcam 18723-1 (Lot.GR281032-1) Abcam 18723-2 (Lot.GR3224908-1)

Unabsorbed Tissue absorption Antigen absorption Unabsorbed Tissue absorption

Cortex SVZ Cortex SVZ Cortex SVZ Cortex SVZ Cortex SVZ
Secondary antibodies Abcam 150072 (Unabsorbed) ++++ +++++ ± ++++ ++ +++ ++++ + ++++
Abcam 150072 (Absorbed) +++ +++++ ± ++++ + ++ +++ ± +++
Thermo A11036 (Unabsorbed) +++ ++++ ++++ ++ ++ ++++ ± ++++
Thermo A11036 (Absorbed) +++ ++++ +++ + ++ +++ ± ++++
Abcam 150112 (Unabsorbed)
Abcam 150112 (Absorbed)
Thermo A11031 (Unabsorbed)
Thermo A11031 (Absorbed)

Primary antibodies/disposition/brain region

Abcam 18723-2 (Lot.GR3224908-1) CST-4604 SC-271390*

Antigen absorption Unabsorbed Tissue absorption Unabsorbed Tissue absorption

Cortex SVZ Cortex SVZ Cortex SVZ Cortex SVZ Cortex SVZ

Secondary antibodies Abcam 150072 (Unabsorbed) ++ + ++++ ± ++++
Abcam 150072 (Absorbed) + ± ++++ ++++
Thermo A11036 (Unabsorbed) + ± ++++ ++++
Thermo A11036 (Absorbed) + ++++ ++++
Abcam 150112 (Unabsorbed) ± ++++ ++++
Abcam 150112 (Absorbed) ++++ ++++
Thermo A11031 (Unabsorbed) ± ++++ ++++
Thermo A11031 (Absorbed) ++++ ++++

*There were no significant differences between SC-271390 and SC-8066. “+, ± and –”: Fluorescence intensity from observation and spectrometric determination. “±” Indicates that the outlines of the perikarya were weakly immunolabeled or that the immunofluorescence was only slightly above background in subsequent quantitative spectroscopy examinations. DCX: Doublecortin; SVZ: subventricular zone.