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. 2020 Feb 28;20:133. doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-2821-6

Table 3.

Prevalence, unadjusted (OR) and odds ratios (AOR) for neonatal hypoglycaemia among Fijian women with GDM, 2013–2014

Variables Prevalence of hypoglycaemia (%) OR 95% CI AOR 95% CI
Maternal sociodemographic factors
Age (years)
  18–25 21.7 1.00 1.00
  26–35 22.6 1.05 0.48, 2.33 0.82 0.32, 2.14
  ≥ 36 34.7 1.91 0.77, 4.77 1.31 0.40, 4.35
  Others§ 31.8 1.00 1.00
  Itaukei Fijians 26.2 0.76 0.29, 2.03 0.97 0.30, 3.13
  FIDs 21.7 0.59 0.22, 1.63 0.95 0.26, 3.47
Educational level
  Non-tertiary (primary/secondary) 26.9 1.00 1.00
  Tertiary (university/polytechnic) 21.5 0.74 0.41, 1.37 0.76 0.37, 1.56
Marital status
  Not married 27.6 1.00 1.00
  Married 24.4 0.85 0.36, 2.03 0.72 0.26, 1.97
Gravidity (number of pregnancies)
  Primigravid (first pregnancy) 11.8 1.00 1.00
  Multiparous (2/more children) 27.3 2.81 0.94, 8.40 2.42 0.67, 8.73
  Grand multiparous (≥5 children) 25.0 2.50 0.72, 8.70 1.46 0.29, 7.42
Maternal risk factors (yes, no)
Family history of diabetes
  No 26.8 1.00 1.00
  Yes 22.8 0.81 0.46, 1.43 0.95 0.47, 1.95
Previous history of GDM
  No 24.3 1.00 1.00
  Yes 36.4 1.78 0.50, 6.30 0.83 0.16, 4.39
Previous baby > 4 kg
  No 22.6 1.00 1.00
  Yes 32.7 1.66 0.87, 3.20 1.19 0.51, 2.76
Previous stillbirth
  No 24.7 1.00 1.00
  Yes 27.3 1.14 0.29, 4.45 1.42 0.27, 7.45
Previous neonatal death
  No 24.2 1.00 1.00
  Yes 40.0 2.09 0.57, 7.66 3.96 0.79, 19.90
Maternal BMI (kg/m2)
  Underweight/normal (< 25) 8.8 1.00 1.00
  Overweight (25–29.9) 32.5 4.98 1.28, 19.33* 5.49 1.01, 29.96*
  Obese (classes 1–3, ≥30.0) 27.5 3.92 1.14, 13.48* 4.34 0.87, 21.65
Antenatal factors
Booking age of gestation (weeks)
  1st trimester (0–13) 24.1 1.00 1.00
  2nd trimester (14–27) 25.6 1.08 0.57, 2.07 1.72 0.68, 4.34
  3rd trimester (≥28) 23.8 0.99 0.41, 2.37 1.09 0.30, 3.95
Age of gestation at GDM diagnosis (weeks)
  1st trimester (0–13) 38.5 1.00 1.00
  2nd trimester (14–27) 21.6 0.44 0.18, 1.10 0.40 0.10, 1.52
  3rd trimester (≥27) 24.8 0.53 0.22, 1.29 0.53 0.13, 2.17
Age of gestation at delivery (weeks)
  < 37 39.5 1.00 1.00
  37–41 21.8 0.43 0.21, 0.85* 0.38 0.17, 0.89*
Maternal post-pregnancy factors
Delivery intervention
  Induced labour
   No 23.3 1.00 1.00
   Yes 25.6 1.14 0.62, 2.09 0.52 0.06, 4.20
  Caesarean section
   No 21.0 1.00 1.00
   Yes 33.3 1.88 1.04, 3.40 2.86 0.15, 56.32
   No 22.8 1.00 1.00
   Yes 33.3 1.69 0.86, 3.35 1.32 0.59, 3.01
   No 24.6 1.00 1.00
   Yes 50.0 3.06 0.18, 49.72 2.32 0.11, 48.31
   No 24.7 1.00
   Yes 50.0 3.05 0.19, 49.5

*Confidence Interval (CI) that does not include 1.00, significant

BMI body mass index, GDM gestational diabetes mellitus, FIDs Fijians of Indian Descent

§others means part-Europeans, Chinese, and other Pacific Islanders