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. 2019 May 3;5:3. doi: 10.1186/s40959-019-0038-5

Table 1.

Correlations of VO2 peak with IMF:SM in cancer survivors and non-cancer comparators

IMF:SM correlation with VO2 peak
Adjusted for: Overall study population
(n = 28)
Cancer Survivors
(n = 14)
Non-cancer comparators
(n = 14)
r p-value r p-value r p-value
N/Aa −0.67 0.0001 −0.54 0.044 −0.72 0.004
Resting LVEF % −0.70 < 0.0001 −0.59 0.035 −0.74 0.004
Exercise-associated LVEF % −0.71 < 0.0001 −0.54 0.055 −0.85 < 0.001
CVD risk factors −0.64 0.0003 −0.50 0.083 −0.75 0.003
BMI −0.67 0.001 −0.58 0.040 −0.71 0.007
SC fat −0.61 0.007 −0.50 0.080 −0.70 0.008
IP fat −0.60 0.001 −0.56 0.047 −0.59 0.033

aN/A: Correlation is not adjusted for any factors

LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, IMF intermuscular fat, SM skeletal muscle, BMI body mass index, SC subcutaneous, IP intraperitoneal