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. 2020 Feb 28;13:108. doi: 10.1186/s13071-020-3968-8

Table 1.

MinION sequencing run metadata, Albacore [18] basecalling results for both 1D and 1Dsq basecalling and read statistics

Name used in this document AWB_0150 AWB_0157 AWB_2331 AWB_2338 Beaver_2302 Beaver_2309 BGS_2237 BGS_2244
Run name SRRun1 SRRun1 SRRun2 SRRun2 SRRun3 SRRun3 SRRun4 SRRun4
Run ID 20170720_0150_GiardiaWB_20170719 20170720_0157_GiardiaWB_20170719 20170721_2331_GiardiaWB_20170721 20170721_2338_GiardiaWB_20170721 20170726_2302_GiardiaBeaver_20170726 20170726_2309_GiardiaBeaver_20170726 20170731_2237_GiardiaGS_20170731 20170731_2244_GiardiaGS_20170731
Isolate Giardia AWB Giardia AWB Giardia AWB Giardia AWB Giardia beaver Giardia beaver Giardia BGS Giardia BGS
Reference genome size (bp) 12,827,416 12,827,416 12,827,416 12,827,416 na na 11,001,532 11,001,532
Sequencing depth (X genome size) 0.5 184.6 0.1 9.9 0.7 246.8 0.9 757.6
Total no. of 1D reads 1225 329,039 237 19,531 1668 382,740 1508 885,046
No. of 1D reads pass 1207 304,219 152 15,842 1603 354,581 1449 804,942
No. of 1D reads fail 18 24,820 85 3689 65 28,159 59 80,104
Percent of 1D reads passing 98.5 92.5 64.1 81.1 96.1 92.6 96.1 90.9
Total no. of IDsq reads 172 60,156 16 1904 146 53,553 212 143,371
No. of 1Dsq reads pass 68 25,755 0 192 69 29,349 124 62,452
No. of 1Dsq reads fail 104 34,401 16 1712 77 24,204 88 80,919
Average length of 1D reads 5066.15 7195.29 3450.08 6484.00 5113.00 8270.88 6534.03 9417.60
Longest 1D read 42,781 470,735 32,138 330,795 37,229 1,132,445 56,642 485,807
Average length of 1Dsq reads 5335.22 7685.61 2853.62 7344.74 5273.86 8472.84 5529.57 9829.82
Longest 1Dsq read 18,489 43,102 6523 32,705 22,740 59,564 25,876 66,185

Notes: “Pass” and “fail” refer to reads that met or did not meet the quality threshold, respectively. Run 2 was conducted on a previously used flow cell after 64–72 h run time and so had few pores left

Abbreviations: na, not applicable