Table 2.
Read error profiles for Giardia AWB and Giardia BGS MinION sequencing runs
Error type/reads | AWB_0150 | AWB_0157 | AWB_2331 | AWB_2338 | BGS_2237 | BGS_2244 |
Proportion of reads counted (%) | 87.55 | 83.56 | 28.04 | 52.61 | 12.62 | 77.47 |
Overall base identity (%) | 76.907 | 74.577 | 54.293 | 65.904 | 58.255 | 56.636 |
Overall base identity error rate (%) | 23.093 | 25.423 | 45.707 | 34.096 | 41.745 | 43.364 |
Aligned base identity (%) | 90.526 | 89.352 | 83.076 | 83.915 | 91.429 | 89.954 |
Aligned base identity error rate (%) | 9.474 | 10.648 | 16.924 | 16.085 | 8.571 | 10.046 |
Identical bases per 100 | 80.430 | 78.338 | 71.024 | 71.597 | 80.855 | 78.834 |
Inserted bases per 100 | 5.291 | 3.881 | 7.811 | 5.087 | 3.473 | 4.478 |
Deleted bases per 100 | 5.860 | 8.450 | 6.758 | 9.592 | 8.105 | 7.886 |
Substitutions per 100 | 8.415 | 9.334 | 14.406 | 13.725 | 7.569 | 8.801 |
Mean insertion | 1.638 | 1.462 | 1.755 | 1.480 | 1.482 | 1.530 |
Mean deletion | 1.621 | 1.787 | 1.591 | 1.788 | 1.848 | 1.898 |
Notes: Using NanoOK [26], 1D reads were aligned to the corresponding reference genome and the error profiles of aligned reads were evaluated. NanoOK outputs read error profiles for each reference contig. To obtain overall error profiles for all reads, the values for each contig were multiplied by the proportion of total reads that aligned to that contig. The sum of these values for each error metric were scaled according to the proportion of total sequencing reads that were used for NanoOK’s analysis