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. 2019 Dec 30;48(1):29–36. doi: 10.1080/12298093.2019.1703373

Table 2.

Taxa, collection numbers, and GenBank accession numbers used in the present study.

Taxon name Collection no.
(isolate no.)
GenBank accession no.
Mucor abundans CBS 521.66 JN206110
M. abundans BC1003 MH971277
M. abundans CBS 388.35 MH855716
M. abundans NNIBRFG6649 MN267432
M. aligarensis CBS 993.70 T JN206056
M. aligarensis CBS 244.58 MH857771
M. aligarensis NNIBRFG6255 MN267431
M. bacilliformis CBS 251.53 T MH857181
M. durus CBS 156.51 ET MH856793
M. falcatus CBS 251.35 MH855668
M. fuscus CBS 282.78 JN206201
M. fuscus CBS 638.74 JN206205
M. heterogamus CBS 405.58 ET JN206167
M. heterogamus CBS 338.74 JN206169
M. heterogamus CNUFC-YR7 MK880369
M. heterogamus NNIBRFG2739 MK045744
M. moelleri CBS 406.58 NT MH857827
M. moelleri CBS 380.29 JN206119
M. moelleri CBS 216.27 MH854934
M. moelleri NNIBRFG1498 MN270302
M. moelleri CNUFC-YJ13 MN493531
M. megalocarpus CBS 215.27 ET JN206160
M. multiplex CBS 110662 HT JN206166
M. parviseptatus CBS 522.79 JN206109
M. zonatus CBS 148.69 MH859280
M. zonatus CBS 148.69 T JN206104
Umbelopsis isabellina CBS 560.63 JN206400

Bold letters indicate isolates and accession numbers determined in the present study. CBS: Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Utrecht: The Netherlands; ITS: internal transcribed spacer. T: ex-type strain; ET: ex-epitype strain; HT: ex-holotype strain; NT: ex-neotype strain.