Figure 5.
Characterization of p75NTR+/+ and p75NTRExIII−/− EMSCs. The MSC markers CD29, CD90 and CD146 were highly expressed in both p75NTRExIII−/− and p75NTR+/+ EMSCs, while the hematopoietic marker CD45 was hardly detected (A). Cell cycle assay showed no significant difference between p75NTR+/+ and p75NTRExIII−/− EMSCs in proliferation ability (B). Growth curves and CCK‐8 assay (C) showed that both cell populations began to grow exponentially on day 2 and the population doubling times were 29.17 h for p75NTRExIII−/− EMSCs and 28.92 h for p75NTR+/+ EMSCs, calculated by the formula PDT = T × log2/ (logNt – logN0), T: day of culture, Nt: number of cells on day T, N0: number of cells on day 0. Abbreviations: K, knockout; W, wild type