A) Replicates of ChIP-Seq experiments using Flag antibodies from U2OS cells expressing either genome edited H2A.Z.1 (left) or H2A.Z.2 (right) analysed as in
Figure 2C. (
B) Box plots representing the ratio of the mean amount of H2A.Z isoforms ChIP-Seq signals around all TSS (59,553 TSSs), at all U2OS enhancers (obtained through enhanceratlas:
http://www.enhanceratlas.org/, 14,764 enhancers) and at 1000 random genomic sequences of 1000 bases. (
C) Metadata showing the mean of H2A.Z.1 and H2A.Z.2 ChIP Seq signals on the 10 kB region encompassing all TSSs and all enhancers. For enhancers, the ‘0’ position corresponds to the centre of enhancers defined in enhanceratlas. (
D) TSSs and enhancers were sorted in five classes according to the total levels of H2A.Z. The box plots show the ratio of the mean amount of H2A.Z isoforms ChIP-Seq signals around TSS (24,695/22,263 TSSs), and U2OS enhancers (1,707/1,459 enhancers) falling into the highest class (4 < ln (H2A.Z.1 + H2A.Z.2 ChIP-Seq signals)<5). (
E) Metadata showing the mean of H2A.Z.1 and H2A.Z.2 ChIP Seq signals on the 10 kB region encompassing the TSS and enhancer populations defined in D). For enhancers, the ‘0’ position corresponds to the centre of enhancers defined in enhanceratlas.