Correlation between histological components and steroidogenic enzymes in ATP1A1- (A–E), ATP2B3- (F-J), CACNA1D- (K–O), and KCNJ5- (P–T) mutated APAs. Correlation between CYP11B2 immunoreactivity and proportion of clear cell area (A,F,K,P). Correlation between CYP11B2 immunoreactivity and proportion of compact cell area (B,G,L,Q). Correlation between the proportion of clear cell area and CYP17A1 immunoreactivity (C,H,M,R). Correlation between the proportions of compact cell area and CYP17A1 immunoreactivity (D,I,N,S). Correlation between the immunoreactivity of CYP11B2 and CYP17A1 (E,J,O,T). E, Both CYP11B2 and CYP17A1 showed a significant inverse correlation in ATP1A1-mutated APAs (P = .0025; ρ = −0.8667). (P) CYP11B2 immunoreactivity also showed a significant inverse correlation with the proportion of clear cell area in KCNJ5-mutated APAs (P = .0289; ρ = −0.6545). (Q) CYP11B2 immunoreactivity showed a significant correlation with the proportion of compact cell area in KCNJ5-mutated APAs (P = .0289; ρ = 0.6545). (T) Both CYP11B2 and CYP17A1 showed a significant correlation (P = .0112; ρ = 0.7237) in KCNJ5-mutated APAs.