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. 2020 Feb 28;10:3667. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-60301-1

Table 1.

Estimated source localization of each Independent Component using the group-level data. Coordinates in MNI space (XYZ) as well as detected onset, offset and their difference (in ms) of activity in the component timecourses (see text for further details).

IC Estimated Localization X Y Z onset offset diff
IC5 inferiorparietal R −30 −33 17 88 496 408
IC6 caudalanteriorcingulate L 23 16 19 152 412 260
IC8 inferiortemporal L −24 51 −32 92 496 404
IC9 lateraloccipital L −72 8 −39 104 488 384
IC10 inferiorparietal L −30 31 20 108 496 388
IC11 fusiform R −62 − 38 −31 120 240 120
IC12 caudalanteriorcingulate R 40 − 2 17 296 376 80
IC13 cuneus L −55 0 29 92 496 404
IC15 paracentral R −2 0 47 240 436 196
IC16 caudalmiddlefrontal R 19 −21 20 156 496 340
IC17 rostralmiddlefrontal L 40 33 13 168 496 328
IC22 middletemporal R −36 −73 −19 88 404 316
IC23 superiorparietal R −23 −29 37 252 496 244
IC24 supramarginal L −4 51 35 88 496 408
IC25 middletemporal L −30 78 −9 88 480 392

1IC = Independent Component.